Alpha Cleantec AG (ACT) was founded in 2016 as an environmental technologies company, with experts bringing in-depth relevant technological know-how. Our team of highly qualified multi-year experienced scientists and experts have developed and keep enhancing solid and promising innovative solutions for, among others, the decontamination of soil, water and wastewater from hazardous substances resulting from human and industrial activities, whilst in some instances adding substantial economic benefits for example through enhanced biogas production.
The vision and commitment of the ACT team is to design tailor-made, patented, safe and efficient environmental technologies with minimized economic input and maximum environmental-friendly output.
Apart from our own R&D Division, ACT cooperates with the Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, under a long run partnership cooperation agreement.
The company holds a patent portfolio covering all proprietary technologies and solutions…. The efficiency of our patented technologies has been proven by independent tests carried out with TÜV Süd, Germany, showing contamination conversion rates from 90% to 99.,99%, depending on the application. In 2022 we developed a new type of Glyphosate free vegetation control, thus further expanding our environmental technology offering.
ACT is very proud to be engaged in the field of environmental technologies not just as a promising business opportunity, but also to contribute to the solution of one of the world's greatest challenges, contamination from industrial activity, and to make our Earth healthy and green again for future generations.
The vision and commitment of the ACT team is to design tailor-made, patented, safe and efficient environmental technologies with minimized economic input and maximum environmental-friendly output.
Apart from our own R&D Division, ACT cooperates with the Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, under a long run partnership cooperation agreement.
The company holds a patent portfolio covering all proprietary technologies and solutions…. The efficiency of our patented technologies has been proven by independent tests carried out with TÜV Süd, Germany, showing contamination conversion rates from 90% to 99.,99%, depending on the application. In 2022 we developed a new type of Glyphosate free vegetation control, thus further expanding our environmental technology offering.
ACT is very proud to be engaged in the field of environmental technologies not just as a promising business opportunity, but also to contribute to the solution of one of the world's greatest challenges, contamination from industrial activity, and to make our Earth healthy and green again for future generations.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 866600.

Hansjörg Plaggemars
Managing Director ACT Germany
Managing Director ACT Germany

Mathias Schmid
Board Member ACT Switzerland
Board Member ACT Switzerland

Andreas Danner
Finance & Controlling ACT Germany
Finance & Controlling ACT Germany

Dr. Uri Stoin
CEO & VP R&D ACT Switzerland
CEO & VP R&D ACT Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Yoel Sasson
Consultant Environnemental Chemistry ACT Switzerland
Consultant Environnemental Chemistry ACT Switzerland

Raymond Hernandez
Senior Business Development Manager ACT Switzerland
Senior Business Development Manager ACT Switzerland

Benjamin Weber
Marketing & Administration ACT Germany
Marketing & Administration ACT Germany

Manuel Scholz
Social Media ACT Germany
Social Media ACT Germany