Treatment of nuclear contamination in wastewaters
The Challenge
u Fast and cost-effective methodology to release, disconnect, and decompose the complex between high concentrations of organic contamination and nuclear leftovers in wastewater as a pretreatment before ion exchange.
u Decontamination and recovery of ion exchange material.
The Technology
DNL – based on (SOA process) in-situ, chemical oxidation processes based on the synthetic generation of highly concentrated superoxide radicals and hydroperoxyl radicals.
Value Proposition
u Alpha Cleantec has developed a new, rapid, and cost-effective solution (technology) for the pretreatment and decontamination of wastewater with radionuclides before ion exchange.
u Process with a conversion of up to 99,99%.
u The technology can be applied as an on-site batch treatment process, as standalone or integrated with the ion exchange process.
Benefits of our Solution
Granted Patents
Elimination of contaminants in minutes to hours
Safe for users and the environment
Very low electricity requirement
Insignificant CO2 footprint
Decontamination without toxic by-products
High conversion 99,99%
Adaptable to existing equipment and process
Cooperations and Partners:
Recomendation letter Alpha Cleantec
Pilot test results:
Contamination Polution degree [Bq] Remaining Activity [Bq]
Radionuclides 12,000 2.8
Radionuclides 12,000 2.2